Automotive mishaps are a fact of life: Sooner or later, everybody deals with them. Don’t let them ruin your day, though: Get the help you need, 24 hours a day, from Save Tow! Our around-the-clock emergency roadside service has you covered no matter the issue—we repair flats, perform jump-starts, unlock doors when you’ve locked yourself out, and implement all manner of other expedient and reliable fixes.
And with Save Tow, you’ve got the added security of our 24-hour flat-rate towing services in case your car or truck trouble goes beyond a roadside remedy.
EMERGENCY ROADSIDE SERVICES FROM SAVE TOWWhen you’re in vehicular distress in the East Bay, it’s time to call Save Tow! We’ll be there in a flash to help out, whether we’re repairing a flat, restoring life to a dead battery, or filling up a depleted gas tank. If need be, we can tow you to the mechanic of your choice at a flat rate.
Providing Roadside Assistance Since 1981
Two East Bay Locations for Swift Response
Flat-Rate Towing Services If Needed